Future Credits Program

With our own distinctive approach to carbon credits, we continue to prioritize what matters most to us: making a tangible impact and ensuring transparency every step of the way.

Carbon Credits

In a world where environmental responsibility is paramount and both individuals and businesses seek to offset their unavoidable emissions, carbon credits offer a powerful solution. Furthermore, they direct essential funds toward crucial nature conservation, restoration, and energy transition projects.

At Go Forest, we first focused on non-certified projects, ensuring qualitative projects, where the right trees grow in the right regions with focus on impact on the field, rather than completing the full certification process. Since our projects have further matured, as did we, we decided to create carbon credits for our projects, as credits cannot only further enhance quality of our project but also amplify our impact. At the same time, we want to stay close to our core business – planting trees with impact in a transparent way. Through our own approach of carbon credits, we are confident that we can combine both.

Now, let’s delve into the basics: what are carbon credits? A carbon credit represents one tonne of CO2 removed or avoided from the atmosphere through climate projects such as planting trees, conservation of forests, or renewable energy initiatives. An important aspect is that these credits are only available thanks to these projects, a concept known as ‘additionality’. These projects adhere to international standards and undergo rigorous certification by auditing organizations. Once issued, the resulting credits are registered in public databases, can be sold, and eventually retired. Retiring a credit involves using it to offset emissions, after which it loses its value and companies can make certain claims such as “net-zero”.

Now, let’s delve into the basics: what are carbon credits? A carbon credit represents one tonne of CO2 removed or avoided from the atmosphere through climate projects such as planting trees, conservation of forests, or renewable energy initiatives. An important aspect is that these credits are only available thanks to these projects, a concept known as ‘additionality’. These projects adhere to international standards and undergo rigorous certification by auditing organizations. Once issued, the resulting credits are registered in public databases, can be sold, and eventually retired. Retiring a credit involves using it to offset emissions, after which it loses its value and companies can make certain claims such as “net-zero”.

Unique approach: Investing in the future

This is where it becomes interesting – what’s our unique approach? We don’t sell carbon credits; we will enable you to develop your own carbon credits through our reforestation projects to guarantee transparency and traceability all the way.

Through planting trees, we can quite accurately calculate how much CO2 is captured each year in resulting biomass. Currently, we’re calculating the carbon sequestred based on averages and checks with digital tools such as Genvision. For our credit projects, we’ll start with planting trees. Every 3 years we will run an (external third party) audit to calculate the actual removal and certify the impact we’ve made in carbon credits to offset your emissions. When your investment in credits or reductions outnumber the credits needed for your offsetting-strategy, we’ll sell the remaining credits to other companies who need them for their own offsetting.

Starting this program, we focus on our projects in DR Congo and Madagascar. Both countries are dealing with high degrees of deforestation, poverty, and the impacts of climate change. At the same time, our projects in these areas are professional and highly qualitative, ready to scale, and carbon projects can significantly improve the lives of many.

Starting this program, we focus on our projects in DR Congo and Madagascar. Both countries are dealing with high degrees of deforestation, poverty, and the impacts of climate change. At the same time, our projects in these areas are professional and highly qualitative, ready to scale, and carbon projects can significantly improve the lives of many.

Just like developing qualitative projects, reforestation is a long-term commitment, and we seek partners who share our vision for sustainable change. If you’re ready to invest in a project that offers maximum transparency, tangibility, and traceability, join us in our mission to create a greener, healthier planet for future generations.

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In both DR Congo and Madagascar, we have dedicated areas for certified and non-certified projects. The main difference between both is the number of audits, controls, and studies done on the tree planting initiative. For non-certified projects, carbon sequestration calculations are based on averages and maintenance and monitoring activities are performed by the local partner and Go Forest. When developing carbon credits, feasibility studies and the establishment of a baseline first take place. After planting, continuous monitoring and measurement is performed according to rigorous international standards to correctly map the CO2 captured in biomass through experts and third party validation. 

We decided to kick-off this initiative in DR Congo and Madagascar, both areas dealing with crucial environmental and social challenges. At the same time, our projects here are highly qualitative, professional, and ready to scale further. Read more about it in our white paper or get in touch to learn more about our projects. 

Our regular tree-planting initiatives are priced based on a per tree basis. For the co-development of carbon credits, a similar approach is taken, but because of scale, the initial development is calculated on a per hectare basis. After initial development, a recurring cost for maintenance, monitoring, audits, and certification is taken into account. 

Just as with our regular initiatives, our impact dashboards will continuously update you on the progress we’re making on the field. Through the publicly available dashboards, we won’t only keep you but also your stakeholders updated. After each certification period, a full audit report is shared. 

Since we aim to create an impact on an environmental and social level, we are first aiming to support our projects in the Global South. In Europe, the European Carbon Removal Framework is still in development and expected to gain more relevance in the coming years. Of course, as legislation continues to evolve, we’ll take Europe into account as well. 

Yes, carbon credits certified through international standars are accepted in your carbon accounting schedule and for CSRD-obligations. 

More questions? Let’s get in touch!

Let's plan(t) the future!