About the calculator
Go Forest partnered with communication agency Bubka and Prof. Dr. Gino Verleye (IMEC, UGent, VUB) to investigate the credibility of tree-planting initiatives and developed a free tool to help companies out on this topic.
Our research shows that almost 95% of respondents agree that corporate tree planting is a positive initiative. At the same time, consumers grow more skeptical towards “green” initiatives, therefore companies may face challenges in convincing consumers of the credibility of their afforestation efforts. Through this study, we have tried to tackle this issue. By providing evidence-based recommendations, this research aims to guide companies in their forestation efforts and help them to make a meaningful contribution to the fight against climate change.
The tool can show companies in 19 different sectors the minimum number of trees they should plant to gain credibility and, therefore, positive brand perception by consumers. Questions related to your calculation? Get in touch to discuss!
- to use the tool, enable cookies first
- we examined 1000 consumers’ perceptions of companies in 19 industries
- the consumer group included Dutch- and French-speaking men and women, from generations ranging from Babyboomers to Gen Z
- in this study, only consumer perception is leading; since every initiative is different, this indication provides a rough guideline
- we use the number of employees as a proxy for measuring the size of the company
- because we work with size levels starting from 10 employees, the number of trees does not change one by one (for a more specific calculation for your company, contact us at info@goforest.be )
- this tool shows the minimum number of trees needed for a tree-planting campaign to be perceived as credible climate action and thus benefit the company’s image
- we cannot define a timeframe for the trees to be planted, because it’s linked to the duration of your campaign
- the threshold for larger firms is much higher than that for smaller firms, because larger companies are expected to take much more substantial climate action than smaller ones
Consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and expect companies to take concrete actions to combat climate change. Tree planting is an effective way to reduce carbon emissions and restore ecosystems, but if companies do not plant enough trees, their initiatives may be seen as greenwashing.
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