Grow forests, create impact

for people, planet, and future.

Go Forest offers accessible and transparent solutions to plant forests that have a positive ecological, social, and economic impact. Let’s plan(t) a greener future together. Not only for us, but also for our future generations.

Not a business? Go to our webshop.

Planting & maintenance

Your trees are not only nursed and planted, but they also enjoy a period of maintenance and monitoring to make sure they are healthy and have a lasting impact.

Digital library

Doing good should be shared, we help you with providing visuals and guidelines.

Planting & maintenance

Your trees are not only nursed and planted, but they also enjoy a period of maintenance and monitoring to make sure they are healthy and have a lasting impact.

Digital library

Doing good should be shared. We help you out by providing visuals and guidelines.

Explore the
impact platform

Via the Go Forest impact platform, every project can be followed up transparently. As a company, you can choose to have your own company impact dashboard to track your personal positive impact.

How can I plant?

For businesses

Discover the advantages of planting trees as a business tailored to your specific needs.

For individuals

Plant trees in a range of locations or buy one of our sticker packs and spread the message.

Our projects

These are the sites where we plant our trees with impact. Learn more about our projects. 


Ce projet se concentre sur la restauration des forêts de la réserve naturelle de Magamba qui ont été brûlées dans le passé. La plantation, l’entretien et le suivi sont assurés par les communautés locales.


Dit project richt zich op het herstel van bossen in het Magamba Nature Forest Reserve die in het verleden zijn afgebrand. De aanplant, het onderhoud en de monitoring worden gedaan door de lokale gemeenschappen.


This project focuses on restoring forests in the Magamba Nature Forest Reserve that were burnt down in the past. The planting, maintenance, and monitoring are done by the local communities.


Ce projet ne répond pas seulement aux défis de la biodiversité, mais aussi aux problèmes sociaux, en créant les conditions permettant aux communautés autochtones de prospérer, tout en récupérant la biodiversité.


Dit project pakt niet alleen de uitdagingen op het gebied van biodiversiteit aan, maar ook sociale problemen, door de voorwaarden te creëren die inheemse gemeenschappen in staat stellen te gedijen, terwijl de biodiversiteit wordt hersteld.


This project does not only address biodiversity challenges, but also social issues, by creating the conditions allowing indigenous communities to thrive, while recovering biodiversity.


Nous exécutons des projets de reboisement sur des sites en Belgique, en Irlande, au Portugal, en Espagne, en Italie, en France, en République tchèque, au Royaume-Uni… Des projets dans d’autres pays européens peuvent être demandés.


We voeren herbebossingsprojecten uit in België, Ierland, Portugal, Spanje, Italy, Frankrijk, Tsjechië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk… Projecten in andere Europese landen kunnen aangevraagd worden.


We execute reforestation projects on sites in Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Czech Republic, United Kingdom…. Projects in other European countries can be requested.


La biodiversité de Madagascar est très particulière. Le pays a développé son propre écosystème et une faune magnifique depuis qu’il s’est séparé du continent africain il y a 160 millions d’années.

Our projects

Discover the different systems we use to make our Earth green again. 


Reforestation is the process of restoring forests by planting trees in areas where forests have been depleted due to deforestation, natural disasters, or land degradation.


Agroforestry is a land-use management system that integrates trees, crops, or livestock to create sustainable and productive landscapes.


Mangrove restoration is the process of restoring degraded or destroyed mangrove forests to restore their ecological and socio-economic benefits.

Others' experience when working with us

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Van der Valk Hotel Gent

Van der Valk Ghent is a loyal Go Forest partner. In this video Severine, Front Office Manager, tells us why and how a hotel can plant trees. Interested in their story?

La Lorraine keeps its employees healthy while planting trees

La Lorraine decided to seriously lower its impact on the environment. By motivating its employees to exercise more, they plant trees, and thus create a win-win for both people and planet.

Van der Valk Hotel Gent

Van der Valk Hotel Ghent is a loyal Go Forest partner. In this video, Front Office Manager Severine tells us why and how a hotel can plant trees. Interested in their story?

La Lorraine keeps its employees healthy while planting trees

La Lorraine decided to seriously lower its impact on the environment. By motivating its employees to exercise more, they plant trees, and thus create a win-win for both people and planet.

Fietsen De Geus

Fietsen De Geus is a loyal Go Forest partner. In this video, the Commercial Manager Pieter, tells us why and how a bike shop engages in tree-planting.

Let's restore
our Earth