Auction for nature

Planting trees is a great way to help the climate, by organizing a charity event, Go Forest wants to accelerate the reconnection of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.

Reconnecting the Atlantic Forest

Go Forest, together with its strategic partners, want to reconnect the Atlantic Forest. At this moment less than 15% of fragmented forest remains. Due to the huge losses of forest but also because of fragmentation, the Atlantic Forest is not in the best shape. By collecting items of value and auctioning them, we not only reconnect but also spark an interest…



We will gratefully accept all items of value to auction.

Deadline 1st September, 2023


The event

Auction for nature will be part of our “T(h)ree years Go Forest” celebration.

Save the date: 21st September, 2023.



All of the money will go into reconnecting the Atlantic Forest.

First update: 1st January, 2024

How can you contribute?

There are several ways. Click on the button that fits you best.

More about the project

Underneath you can find some images of the region where we are planting. For other information please visit:

Let's plan(t) the future!